Interactive Map of Bieruń

After we won Hack The Climate 2023, by introducing solution that helps to democratize sustainable urban planning processes, we continued our work and in 7 months we delivered the finished product.

My part

As an experience software engineer I was responsible mostly for technical part of the project. My main responsibilities were:


  • designing database schema and backend architecture
  • implementing backend services in Nest.js
  • optimizing queries by setting up Redis caching


  • configuring nginx
  • setting up docker images among others for backend, frontend and pre-rendering
  • setting up docker-swarm
  • setting up and scheduling backups


  • implementing Map, markers and popups
  • enabling state management by Zustand utilization
  • enriching SEO by implementing dynamic tags and prerendering
  • implementing components such us image gallery or different buttons

In addition, I was responsible for client communication, gathering requirements, and obtaining credentials and access to the infrastructure.