Image of members of Pipelon during Hack Yeah 2023

From the left: Paweł Dzikiewicz, Tomasz Koralewski, myself, Jakub Gołuch, Adam Pawłowski.


The Pipelon team (is pushing the boundaries in the Brain-Computer Interface field. We are also key members of the student organization Neuron at Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Our work as a whole has been recognized with the Młode Talenty Award in the Innovation category in 2024.

Our idea and demo, BoreNoMore — utilizing user mental states (like boredom) to adjust gameplay - brought us international success at the NTX Hackathon.

In addition to these projects, we participate in various hackathons and initiatives. Below are those in which I played a crucial role:

Bore No More

We believe that Brain-Computer interface technology can revolutionize the way we interact with our devices. That's why we are developing a C# framework that will allow developers easy integration of BCI technology into their applications.

Hackathon Projects

Mobile applications, platforms, and tools developed by Pipelon during hackathons.


Interview with University of Science and technology about our success in Vienna.