Hackathon Projects

Members of Pipelon during Hack Yeah 2023

Hackathons Projects

Bore No More

We developed BoreNoMore demo, which earned 2nd place at the NTX Hackathon 2023 - a neurotech event, that engaged over 1000 global participants from more than 50 countries. Our project implemented a boredom detection classifier for gamers, demonstrated by adapting Tetris difficulty based on the player’s boredom level. For real-time data collection we used Unicorn Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface. Our solution was recognized for its innovative approach to enhancing user.

Kompas Historii | mHack 2023

Kompas Historii is a mobile application designed to help users discover nearby historical landmarks based on their location. Utilizing datasets from the National Heritage Institute, this app provides a rich, interactive experience for history enthusiasts and tourists alike, turning every stroll into a journey through history.

QuestAppka | HackYeah 2023, Finalist

QuestAppka is a platform designed to support individuals entering the IT world. By enabling government agencies and companies to chart and highlight career paths for future employees, QuestAppka serves as a bridge between education and employment, fostering a more informed and prepared workforce.

NoteScribe | Hack4WroclawTech 2023, 3rd Place

NoteScribe is an AI-powered tool that enhances learning by creating notes and quizzes from scientific articles and literature. This tool supports students and researchers by making study materials more accessible and interactive, thereby streamlining the learning process.